If you’re a dedicated gym junkie or fitness professional looking for a detailed, science-based analysis on the latest “hot topics” in the world of fitness, The Muscle Evo Research Bulletin is just what you’re looking for.
Every Sunday, you’ll get a detailed review of a recent study in the field of diet and exercise, sent to you via email. It’s a quick and easy way to keep up to date with all the latest fitness research, without having to read through long, complicated scientific papers.
Written in plain English, with no waffle or jargon, The Muscle Evo Research Bulletin is a simple way to separate fitness fact from fiction. There is no minimum subscription period, and you can cancel anytime.
You also get unlimited email support in your quest for physical greatness. If you need help with any aspect of getting in shape, be it exercise, diet or supplements, I’m standing by to help. Just email me your questions and I’ll reply to you personally.
Instead of wasting your time reading 50 different articles, all of which say something different, you can simply ask me your questions and then get on with the rest of your day.
There’s only one of me and I can’t offer email support to everyone, so now’s the time to decide if you want in or not.
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NN11 3SG
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